One More Time


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One More Time

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“One more Time was written about relationships that hadregrettably moved on. Personally, we felt that it was about trying to fix things too late. As the years went by we realized it had so much more meaning. Dealing with our own personal losses, wishing to see loved ones again, and wanting to be the person that they could rely on. One more time

“One more Time was written about relationships that had regrettably moved on. Personally, we felt that it was about trying to fix things too late. As the years went by we realized it had so much more meaning. Dealing with our own personal losses, wishing to see loved ones again, and wanting to be the person that they could rely on. One more time hits a heavy note of regret and longing for a second Chance to change things for the better.. Realizing the importance of fixing things now instead of putting them off.”

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